For Your Altar

The athame is a ritual knife that is strictly used for symbolic purposes. It's used to open and close your protective circle as well as the calling of the elements. Some witches use it to carve their candles with, but you can use a different blade for that if you want to. Many witches name their athame and use that name during their rituals.
The bell is used to to draw energy into your circle. It signifies that you are about to do your work. In a coven it would be used so that everyone is aware that the ritual is about to begin.

Candles are a must have on every witches altar. You should have one to symbolize the Goddess and one for the God. Candles are also used in candle magick. You can have one for the practitioner (yourself) and whoever you are doing a spell for. Choose colors specific to your needs. Click here for colors and their uses.
You can carve symbols and words into your candles and you can "dress" them for the occasion using herbs and/or essential oils.
Candles are also good to help you get focused on your intent.

Crystals can symbolize the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) on your altar. They can also aid you in the intent of your spell. Crystals are very powerful and can be used for many things such as protection, luck and healing. Click here for more on crystals and what they are good for.
There are many scents you can use for incense. Some witches use certain scents for certain spells, but it is really your preference. Incense can be used to cleanse your tools and to help keep you focused. It can help to ward off any bad spirits as well.
Feel free to choose whatever method of incense you want. They come in sticks and cones.

Sea Salt
There are different salts you can use, but most witches prefer sea salt because it is more natural. It is used to protect your ritual circle. Sprinkle it around your work area to keep negative energy out. You can mix this with water to do so. Table salt is also okay to use. If you can get your hands on some black salt, or make your own, that's even better. But, it's up to you.