Merry Meet

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please read on as I tell you a little bit about myself and what I hope to accomplish with my podcast and this website.
My magickal name is Margaridinah. I wanted to create a site to help people who are new to the Pagan/Wiccan path as well as to recap information to those who have been following the path for awhile, but may need a little assistance. I also have a podcast by the same name 'Witch Magick.' Season 1 goes over the basics of witchcraft & getting started. From there on I discuss other witchy & magickal topics. I also put out a weekly astrological forecast on the podcast.
The information on these pages will be from some of my own experiences but also from other reliable resources.
The cauldrons to the right are the links to other pages. There will be links within some of those other pages as well. They will be marked. There is also a magic wand on the bottom of each page to help you find your way back to this homepage. There is also a Site Map to help you find more pages. There are more links at the bottom of this page so be sure to check those out as well.
A little bit about myself:
I have been following the Pagan path since the late 90's. I have seen spells fail, but I have also been successful in spells. The ones that have been most successful are the ones that I took the most time and energy into. Spellwork works with you. Go to the 'Spells' page for more info on how to work good spells.
Aside from being Pagan, I am a teacher and an Scentsy Consultant. I have 3 kids and 2 grandkids and a husband who I am deeply in love with. He also has two daughters and three grandkids, so our family has grown like the Brady Bunch. I love to read, paint and draw. I collect faeries. My favorite colors are green and purple; flower is daisy; holiday is Halloween.
~*~Dawn Marie~*~

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