Magickal Symbols
Symbols are very powerful and meaningful. Every religion and culture has symbols that the use in worship and to represent certain things. Here are some of he symbols that witches use during spells, rituals and every day life. I will post the definition of each symbol next to each picture using the Urban Dictionary.
The ankh is the Egyptian symbol of life, also referred to as the Key of Life. Somehow it has also become a goth/vampire symbol. Because of this, most people aren't aware that it was once a part of Egyptian culture, and wear an ankh, proudly proclaiming their obsession with the dark.

Eye Of Horus
Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the Eye of Ra or Eye of Horus which represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. As the udjat (or utchat), it represented the sun, and was associated with the Sun God Ra (Re). The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (Thoth). (A very similar concept of the sun and moon as eyes appears in many religious traditions, such as the Celtic tale of the hand of Nuada.)
A woman who is so beautiful, brilliant, and wholesome that she is simply not like any other women on Earth and therefore possesses some sort of uncommon spiritual element that while is cannot be solidly defined it is clearly present.

A mantra for mind, body, and spirit.
The pentacle is a five pointed star within a circle, the points representing the four elements (fire, water, earth & air) and ether (spirit) and the circle represents eternity as most pagans believe in the eight-fold year and the spiral dance.

Triquetra means many things such as:
Christianity - father, son and holy spirit
The triple goddess - maiden, mother and crone
Charmed - the power of three
Phases of the moon - full, waxing and waning
Celtic - life, death and rebirth
Physical, mental and spiritual
Triple Spiral
Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism (also Celtic Reconstructionism or CR) is a polytheistic reconstructionist approach to Celtic neopaganism, emphasising historical accuracy over eclecticism such as is found in many forms of Neo-druidism. It is an effort to reconstruct and revive, in a modern Celtic cultural context, pre-Christian Celtic religions.

Yin and Yang
A path between two places. Heaven and hell, push and pull, moon and sea, and light and dark