Brigid is the Goddess of hearth and home. We celebrate her at Imbolc. You can also call on her to aid in healing and divination.
Cernunnos is the God of the forest. He is the Horned God of vegetation. He’s often celebrated at Beltane.
Cerridwen is the keeper of the cauldron of the underworld. She is a Goddess of prophetic powers. She can help with transformation and change.
Lugh is the master of skills and craftsmanship. He is honored on Lughnassadh. He was known as a skilled warrior. He can help with harvest as well as anything artistic.
The Morrigan is the Goddess of war and sovereignty. She often appears as a crow or a raven. She can aid in fertility.
Rhiannon is the horse goddess of Wales. Symbols and items you can use for her are horses and horseshoes.