Aphrodite is the Goddess of fertility , love and beauty. Her son is Eros, also known as Cupid.
Apollo was the son Leto and Zeus. He had a twin sister named Artemis. Let Apollo aid you in hints such as: music, poetry, art, Oracle, medicine and knowledge.
Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is known as the God of War.
Artemis is the Goddess of Wildlife.
Athena is the Goddess of war. She served as a guardian in Athens.
Demeter is the Goddess of harvest and fertility. She is the daughter of Cronos and Rhea.
Dionysus is the God of the vine.
Hades is the God of wealth. His wife was Persephone , who was the daughter of Demeter.
Hecate is the Goddess of witchcraft, the moon, boundaries, necromancy, ghosts and crossroads. She s able to easily cross between the underworld and the physical world. Call on her to aid in healing, banishing, cleansing and divination. You might even feel her presence in cemeteries.
Hera is the Goddess of marriage and Queen of Olympus.
Hermes was considered the messenger God and he had a mischievous personality.
Poseidon is the God of the sea and protector of all bodies of water.
Zeus is the God of the sky and his weapon of choice was the thunderbolt. He had many children by many women.