Freyja is a goddess associated with love and beauty. She can help with fertility. She has a twin brother named Freyr.
Freyr is a god of fertility. He uses a magical sword. He can aid in fertility and prosperity spells.
Frigg is a goddess of divination. She is married to Odin and they have a son named Balder. You can call on her to aid in beauty, love, fertility and divination.
Loki is a mischievous god so be mindful of that if you use him in your magickal workings. He is a shape shifter and appears as a salmon, a mare and a fly. You can ask him to help you with shadow work and astral projection.
Thor is the God thunder and lightning. We all know about his famous hammer that he uses to protect against evil giants. Call upon him to help with strength and protection.
Odin is the god of poets. He was also associated with the runes. Let him help aid you in reading runes.