
Runes are a form of divination that some witches use today for guidance. But, more than that, they are a type of ancient alphabet from Scandinavian descent. When using the runes, it's good to honor Odin (Norse God of poets) because he sacrificed himself for nine nights by hanging from the Yggdrasil (Tree of the Life) in order to figure out how to read this strange alphabet.
Here is a list of the Viking Runes and their interpretations:

1. Mannaz (The Self): A correct relationship to yourself is primary. Strive to live the ordinary life in an ordinary way. Know thyself.
Reversed is a blockage. Begin by being clear with yourself.

2. Gebo (Partnership): Indication that partnership is at hand--whether it be a love relationship or in business matters or even a union with the Divine. There is no reverse.

3. Ansuz (Signals): The keynote here is receiving messages, signals or gifts. This is the messenger rune related to the God Loki. Connection with the Divine is at hand.
Reversed could mean failed communication or awareness. Consider the uses of adversity.

4. Othila (Separation): This rune suggests retreating from old, outdated and even bad situations. There may be inheritance but with a price.
Reversed indicates that you should think about, not only what benefits you but, what benefits others.

5. Uruz (Strength): Drawing this rune indicates that the life you've been living has outgrown its form. Out with the old; in with the new. There could be a loss here and your strength is needed for there will be opportunity as well.
Reversed may seem like your own strength is being used against you.

6. Perth (Initiation): Something hidden; a secret matter is at work here. Powerful forces of change are at work here. Nothing external matters here, except as it shows you its inner reflection.
Reversed is an indication that you are expecting too much. You may feel overwhelmed and/or exhausted with obstructions in your path. Stay centered.

7. Nauthiz (Constraint): The necessity to deal with severe constraint. There will be holdups and reasons to reconsider your plans. This is a time to pay off old debts and to restore balance.
Reversed A cleansing is required here. Modesty and good temper are essential through challenging times.

8. Inguz (Fertility): This rune marks a time of joyful deliverance. of new life, a new path. You have the strength to achieve completion. This is a great time to complete a project, free yourself from a rut. There is no reverse.

9. Eihwaz (Defense): If there is an obstacle in your path, consider the delay beneficial. Perserverance and foresight are called here. Growth is promoted. There is no reverse.

10. Algiz (Protection): Control of the emotions is at issue here. You will progress. Knowing that is your protection.
Reversed suggests that you be mindful of your health and well-being and do not add to the burdens of others.

11. Fehu (Possessions): A rune of fulfillment: ambition satisfied, love shared, rewards received. Look with care to know whether it is wealth and possessions you require for your well-being.
Reversed means there may be considerable frustration in your life.

12. Wunjo (Joy): You will receive blessings whether they be in material gain, in your emotional life or in a heightened sense of your own well-being.
Reversed indicates that things are slow in coming to fruition.

13. Jera (Harvest): This rune applies to any activity or endeavor to which you are committed. Be aware that no quick results can be expected. There is no reverse.

14. Kano (Opening): The rune of opening and renewed clarity, dispelling the darkness that had been shrouding some part of your life.
Reversed calls for giving up gladly the old and being prepared to live for a time empty.

15. Teiwaz (The Warrior): Look within and delve down to the foundations or ife itself. In doing so you can hope to meet the deepest needs of your nature and tap into your most profound resources.
Reversed calls for examining your motives carefully.

16. Berkana (Growth): Consider your issues with care and awareness so that blossoming can occur.
Reversed indicates that events or aspects of character can interfere with the growth of new life.

17. Ehwaz (Movement): A rune of transit, transition and movement; of physical shifts, new dwelling places, new attitudes or new life.
Reversed means a blockage in movement. Remember that what is yours will come to you.

18. Laguz (Flow): Immerse yourself in the experience of living without having to evaluate or understand. A time for cleansing: for revaluing, reorganizing, realigning.
Reversed often indicates a failure to draw upon the wisdom of instinct.

19. Hagalaz (Disruption): Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of this rune. Even though this rune has no reverse, it acts as if its reversed. Expect disruption.

20. Raido (Journey): The journey is toward self-healing, self-change and union. You are no longer burdened by what you left behind.
Reversed Puts you on notice to be particularly attentive to personal relationships.

21. Thurisaz (Gateway): There is work to be done both inside and outside yourself. This rune strengthens your ability to wait.
Reversed demands contemplation on your part.

22. Dagaz (Breakthrough): this signals a major shift or breakthrough in the process of self-change. A major period of achievement and prosperity is shown here. There is no reverse.

23. Isa (Standstill): Positive accomplishment is unlikely at this time. Drawing this rune can also indicate a time of restoration and renewal. There is no reverse.

24. Sowelu (Wholeness): This is another rune that has no reverse but also cautions a reverse-like reading. Sowelu marks a time for regeneration. Open yourself up.

25. Odin (The Unknowable): Blank is the end, blank the beginning. This is the rune of total trust. The drawing of this rune can portend a symbolic death. This rune requires willingness and permission. Know that the work of self-change is progressing in your life.

* These are just brief interpretations of the runes. Credit goes to The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum. The images shown on this page are pictures that I took of my own runes that accompanied the book. I have been working with this rune set since early 2000's and I have gotten some very accurate readings whether they were readings for myself or for others. These are also the runes I use when I do a drawing on my show.